Are Dipole Surrounds Suitable To Be Used As Fronts

I was just wondering whether dipole surround speakers are suitable to be used as front speakers. Would they mess up the sound? My impression is the sound effects would be more expansive and enveloping with the dipoles at the fronts. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks for the detailed response Javachip. I don't have any dipole surrounds yet and am curious about this design. After posting this thread I found some comments about dipole surrounds being labeled as a "dinosaur" design, and that omnipolars which radiate sound in all directions are a superior technology. Now I am having 2nd thoughts in considering dipoles even for side surround applications.
I have dipoles (wharfedale)and they work extremely well as surround speakers. I have used them as fronts for a short while...but they are not suited for that purpose as javachip explained.
Considering your goals the most expansive and enveloping improvement would come from a 7.1 upgrade and no dipoles. Another HL and a couple of Compacts or even a lesser choice for the rears. And since your speakers present an easy load a modest receiver could easily drive them for HT. You really don't have to go nuts to enjoy theater like surround. Your almost there right now.

That's a beautiful space you have.