Impedence Matching Help Needed

I've been hoping to build a passive preamp system, but am confused about impedances and voltages. The idea is this:

(1) Audioengine DAC (for multimedia sources) (output: 2V, 2 ohms)
(2) NAD CDP (output: 2.2V, 200 ohms)
(3) Mani phono preamp (output: 5V, 75 ohms)... also have Yaqin tube phono preamp I could use (output: 0.7V, 500 ohms)

Here's where I sort of 'create' a passive preamp:
(1) Passive 5-way input selector
(2) Schiit sys passive ALPs attenuator (input: 10K ohms, output: 5K ohms max)
(3) Schiit loki passive EQ (input: 47K ohms, output: 75 ohms)

Then all this goes onto a Parasound Classic 125 WPC power amp (input: 33K ohms)

I will adjust the amplifiers gain/sensitivity down until the passive attenuator is at around 2 o'clock to minimize the increased S/N that comes from too low of a volume setting. I plan to use the shortest cables possible to reduce resistance?capacitance?.

I would love to hear from those who are more experienced with the math behind this if this should work or not. I've heard of passive systems sounding thin and would prefer to avoid that. I'm also considering purchasing an Onkyo A-9150 (~$400 new) and going active, but I'm trying to avoid the 'character' that active preamps tend to add and I don't have a budget for a high end active brand.

Keep in mind I also have an Onkyo Integra home theater setup with preamp outs, but I'm hoping to use y-adaptors on the sources and primarily use the above system for 2-channel listening (only turning on the Onkyo HTR for movies). So, in a way the 2-channel system is a HT-bypass setup.

Thanks for any help from the impedance experts!

I really really think this is all very complicated and not worth anything for it.

Get a decent preamp and be done with it.
I would advise against any schiit preamps. I have not had success with them in my systems.
To add to the previous responses, from a technical standpoint the main concern I would have with the proposed configuration is not related to impedance compatibility, but rather that it may not provide you with enough gain for the phono source.

Your reference to the Mani phono stage providing an output of 5 volts appears to be incorrect. Assuming you would be using it with a moving magnet cartridge, from a sonic standpoint its 42 db gain setting is likely to be the optimal choice among the four gain settings it provides. That setting is correctly stated at the Schiit website to boost a 2.3 mv cartridge output to 300 mv. Moving magnet cartridges usually provide somewhat more output than that, under the standard test conditions their output voltage ratings are based on. Let’s optimistically assume the cartridge can provide 5 mv under the standard test conditions. 42 db of gain would boost that to 630 mv.

Assuming the specs on your Classic 125 amp are similar to the currently produced NewClassic 2125 v.2, the amp requires an input of a bit more than 1.1 volts to be driven to full power, or roughly twice as much as the combination of a 5 mv cartridge and the 42 db gain setting of the Mani would provide under the standard cartridge test conditions. While some recordings can have dynamic peaks which significantly exceed the standard cartridge test conditions, and while you might never need to drive the amp to its maximum power capability if your speakers have relatively high efficiency, at best you would probably find yourself using the volume control close to its max position on many recordings. And that would be with the rear panel level control on the amp at max.

Also, btw, I would definitely not count on cranking up the settings of all of the gain controls on the equalizer to be a good way of addressing that issue, as I suspect doing so would degrade sonics significantly.

But to answer your question about impedance, I suspect there would not be any significant issues with the proposed configuration. Although I can’t say that with certainty, in part because the specified output impedances are undoubtedly based on a mid-range frequency such as 1 kHz, and do not reflect the highest output impedances at any audible frequency. And in part because I suspect that the 2 ohm output impedance specified for the Audioengine DAC is for its headphone output, and the output impedance of its line-level output is probably a good deal higher. The Audioengine website does not make that clear.

-- Al