Infinity Kappa 8's with a Krell KAV-300i?

Looking for comments on how this pairing would sound together?  And... whether the Krell (150 @ 8 / 300 @ 4) would provide sufficient power to drive the Kappa 8's?  Room is not large, roughly 11x13. 
I had those speakers and they have a minimum impedance of 1.7 ohms. They are also relatively bright. If you stick with them I would look for a tube amp that is stable at 2 ohms. They are actually relatively efficient and you don’t need a ton of power to drive them well. 75w is plenty. Just has to be stable at 2 ohms.
Should be fine, unless you blast it.  Even then it would take some nasty distortion at really high volume to kill the Krell.
If the speakers are bright, the Krell would most likely not be a good match for them.