Looking for a mid-priced TT to install my 2M Black Cart

I am in the process of shopping of maximizing the value of some of my second system and doing some strategic upgrades.  my first TT was the Project Carbon Debut DC with an Ortofon 2M Red (MM).  I upgraded that to the 2M Black (MM) and it turned it into a great rig (to a point).

I am very aware. that the 2M Black exceeds the capabilities of the TT, so as I optimize this second system, I am looking for a good turntable that would provide a significant sonic improvement over the Project Debut Carbon, and would match well with the 2M Black.  I would like to keep it below $1500 (ideally under $1000). 

I am leaving out the other details of my system to keep this focused on the TT and not have this turn into a poll of what part of my rig's chain I should optimize next... ;-).

Just want some TT options under $1.5K that will help the 2M open up even more!
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I have a Project Debut Carbon DC and was also considering getting a 2m Black for it, with the intent of a future turntable upgrade. How was the DC with the 2m black?
Sir Cheech has evidently left the building.  We could go on debating the matter ad nauseam without harm however.
@mechans I haven't left the building yet... just got distracted with work...
@redchaser - Honestly the 2M black on the debut carbon DC sounds fantastic.  to 90% of people, it would be all you would ever want or need.  I think I am tweaking more for hobby sake and for making an incremental improvement on that system with a material change.  
I think either a DD in my price range or a rega rp6 or similar belt drive is the short list right now...