
Who is using g Qobuz and how are you finding it? Thank you.
I had issues signing up, too. I had to do a password reset. 
To their credit, Quobuz responded in 2 days after a ticket.
If you can login to the web player, then go to your account and reset your password.
LMAO thanks mahler123 so I obviously let despair get the best of me! :p But there is a good outcome I read the comments above by you and gdnrbob2 and decided to email Quobuz CS. I got a response in under 24 hours they fixed my account and I am signed up as a beta user! Relative to experiences with Tidal CS this was first class service, now what should I listen to first!?
Ok so far through three albums on Quobuz and loving it! I think the sound quality is a bit better than Tidal and certainly at least as good.  Jazz selections seem excellent thus far as well.