Agon is now a retail outlet.

This site has been taken over by retail outlets that also advertise on Ebay and other sites, posing as bargain outlets and asking prices that are close to retail for used items and raising the prices of older items to ridiculous multiples of their original prices under the guise of VINTAGE, when the items are often those that you wouldn't but in a thrift shop or pawn shop for more than 20% of retail even if you could find them since their rarity is based on the fact that Made In Japan was equivalent to what Made in China means today. To boot these items are old enough so that their capacitors and many other parts require replacement in order to remove the risk of fire from faults in their circuitry due to age. This is the reason there is no link to OWNER ONLY ads. Audiogon would lose much of their revenue from providing such a link.
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One cannot "filter out" retailers on this site, which is one of my complaints. However, one can select "All Equipment" to filter out music. One should note the music is mostly sold by the same sellers, and they are retailers in disguise, whose pricing is ridiculous. I saw today a used item up for sale at about $10 less than retail, and it was up on more that one site. Used is USED. Don't fall for the BS.
The funtionality of the items sold here is not the issue, it is the over hyped and baseless claim to high end and concomitant overpricing of equipment I remember wasn't worth the asking price when new, much less the prices it is selling for in the present, after decades of use if not abuse.
This reminds me of the old story of a man who had and old chair that was still good and he didn't need, so he placed it on his lawn with a sign saying "Free Chair" and it sat there for a while, so he changed the sign to "For Sale" and someone stole it within an hour.
I was there in the 70'sand 80's. I sold audio then. I listened to a lot of this equipment. It was crap then and it now is old crap, you're better off with modern equipment that retails for a lot less and provides much greater value, lower signal to noise ratios, more reliability, greater bandwidth and fidelity. Vintage does not mean better, this is a romancification, a myth to sell equipment no one wants and is "rare" because it sucked, was a bad value and didn't sell much or was thrown out after it got old and no one wanted it used, but now it is "Vintage" - overvalued and ludicrously overpriced. Prime examples are old receivers preamps and amps, both transistor and tube. Chain stores and their suppliers had their own equipment made that was more often than not cheaper versions of branded items and offered a greater profit and lower value. Some old items were great and still are, but they were and are rare. Used equipment should be less expensive, not more. Let the buyer beware is my point. Do research. Make decisions based on self education. If you see many of the same item being sold on line ask yourself why, especially if these items are recent additions to the market. Also be aware that may old items had sonic characteristics that are ruined by replacing their parts with modern equivalents passed as upgrades. Be aware that anything old will require recapping at the least, and may contain parts that are irreplaceable. like belts, gears or switches. Avoid stores passing as people, and buy from each other. RESIST GREED.
I have had nothing but good experiences buying and selling on Agon. I do not do much at all. In 2 instances of buying I was surprised to find the seller was an hour away and I was able to drive over and meet him. In another the seller lived in the same town as my wife and I happen to be visiting so we drove over to his place and made the purchase. Both were experienced audiophiles and wonderful gentlemen. Without Agon I would have not experienced this or gotten the fair deals on great, used equipment. 
My whole system is based on purchases here. I have had very good experiences also. If we all keep in mind that we should treat each other with a bit of respect then most transactions should be painless. We should do this out of love for the hobby..........and the music!

My experience on Audiogon has largely been to purchase gear.  I have been pleased with every item that I have purchased on Audiogon, and happy with the price I paid for it.

And, the forums have been very helpful on technical information that I would not otherwise have easy access to.

Look for the bad and you will find that here, as you will anywhere else.  But, when it comes to high quality audio gear, I still think Audiogon is the place to go.

However, one can select "All Equipment" to filter out music.
Thanks for letting me know about that!  I never noticed that button!  It still would be nice if you could filter out any categories you want.