Tube amp Low end Bass question

I use a Subwoofer with my current system (Rogue tube preamp -2nd pre out to sub, Nuforce STA200, Zu omen defs). I listen to EVERYTHING (Rock, metal, jazz, classical, bluegrass, electro/dance, etc) and love things a bit bass heavy. Now, I also love the 3d effect of tubes for the mids (especially classic jazz recordings). I was thinking I could pair up a Tube amp like an MC275 or something similar add a second SUB and adjust accordingly. 

Is anyone doing this with great effect?
To some extent, it depends on how you employ the sub.  If you are using something like the REL subs, which runs the main speakers full range and only adds low frequency support, then you will still be taxing the SET amp with having to deliver a lot of its power to play bass.  But, if the subwoofer employs an active crossover so that the SET amp and the main speakers are not being used to provide deep bass, less power is needed for the SET amp.  If you really want to play your system at very high volume levels, look for something that cuts out the main speakers from playing deep bass.

I don't know if SET is really the way to go with any headbanger kind of system.  There are some SETs that employ tubes like the 845 or 211s, but, these amps are pretty expensive, if built correctly, and very scary to own and operate, if built cheaply.  Of course there are varieties of pushpull tube amps that deliver more power.  I personally don't like most of the very high powered pushpull amps, but there are decent sounding mid-powered stuff.  To find something that will work, you MUST actually audition the amp with your particular system.

There are also output transformerless amps (OTL) that sound quite good.  Typically, these deliver very dynamic and in-you-face sound, so they can perk up a lifeless sounding system, but, having heard Zu speakers, that kind of extra liveliness is really not needed.  OTLs are still worth looking into.  
There are some relatively high powered SETs but the more power the pricier they get.  What is your budget (the MC275 is $5750)?  Do you have room above that?  Stereo or mono-blocks?  

I sell SET and Push-Pull units for Art Audio but my stuff is a bit pricier than Mc and is relatively low power.  I can help steer you toward something that is a better fit though.  What part of the country are you in?  

Also, the above comment on 845s and 211s being kinda scary in a SET stems from them running REALLY hot.  I agree.  Quality is critical.  You want separate transformers for the heaters and audio circuits and placement of internal parts has a big impact.  Designed right they only run a bit hotter than a push-pull.  Designed poorly it is like having a space heater in your room.    
With 211's and 845's, to get the higher power output, the voltages on the plates of the tube have to be pretty high--meaning properly insulated wire and good electrical construction practices, which are not always found on cheaper amps.  Also, the output transformers have to be of quite high quality to benefit from the use of these tubes and the proper transformers are quite expensive.  These tubes do run hot, but, that is not the big concern that I have.  I do agree that layout is particularly critical for the 211 and 845 amps because of the heat and high voltage issues.  While I have heard some very nice 211 and 845 SET amps (Viva and Wyetech come to mind), to be, the best sounding SETs are the lower powered ones utilizing 300b, 2a3 and 45 tubes.  

The McIntosh MC275 is a pushpull amp, not a single-ended triode (SET) amp.  The current production model is, to me, pretty lousy sounding (mushy and lifeless sounding at modest volume levels) and the construction is shockingly shoddy.  With McIntosh, it is the older stuff that one wants.   
Hmm. I'll have to do some further digging on the 275. Maybe a nice Mark V is the way to go. I've heard a Mark VI...sounded nice...however only for a few minutes and not in my own system.