Agon is now a retail outlet.

This site has been taken over by retail outlets that also advertise on Ebay and other sites, posing as bargain outlets and asking prices that are close to retail for used items and raising the prices of older items to ridiculous multiples of their original prices under the guise of VINTAGE, when the items are often those that you wouldn't but in a thrift shop or pawn shop for more than 20% of retail even if you could find them since their rarity is based on the fact that Made In Japan was equivalent to what Made in China means today. To boot these items are old enough so that their capacitors and many other parts require replacement in order to remove the risk of fire from faults in their circuitry due to age. This is the reason there is no link to OWNER ONLY ads. Audiogon would lose much of their revenue from providing such a link.
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I have been around her since near day one (at some ancient point I needed to reregister, ...  Anyway, never a problem.            
When I see an ad asking several times what an item is worth? I LAUGH. Who cares... Do you think you are the gon 'value police' ?Some ads claim a 27 year old item is only 8 years old. Some double or triple the original MSRP. Some ask crazy money for gear. Not my problem.    
Latest I laughed at was a Threshold FET 10 line stage preamp asking $1800+ and the Audio Research Sp-10 asking $5,000(I bought a ARC Sp-10 mk2 for $600  cash and a few broken bits of junk worth $200, about nine years ago. IMO tht was all it was worth, but I sold it here for $2,300 anyway when it was selling for 3K LOL.)        
(I recently bought a FET 10 line AND phono for $900)      
I look at it as folks unable to deal with reality. Who cares. Anyone can ask any price. Anyone is free to say nope. Works good.
Post removed 
Believe it or not this is not personal, it is a warning to the people out there who are being fooled by the obvious marketing of items that are overpriced, not an attack on you, personally. I am unfollowing this thread, my message is out there and I don't need this misandrist attitude.
Exec Summary of original post:

I am am tired of having to work harder to find a bargain.   

Owners of this site are not altruists.   They want to make as much as they can.  You want to save as much money as you can.    How has this dynamic changed in any way since the days of cavemen ?