AC mains noise Borrowed noise sniffer and tested my AC lines...

I borrowed this AC line noise sniffing device (Blue Horizon Mains Noise Analyser) today. (Do not ask from where, I do not feel at ease saying.)
This device sniffs out noise and has a range of "000" to "999" and over that it just is "MAX".
So first test was kitchen light with wall plug. "784"
Kitchen outlet tied to refrigerator (frig ON) "MAX"
Bedroom wall nothing around in use "220" wow good number.

Furutech Duplex at amplifier "013*" WHAT!!!! yes "013". That is on a direct 44 ft extension cord from 20 amp wall outlet (also Furutech) * with the C7 to the noise sniffer one way, it is 13, other way it is 20. ALL the measurements change with reversing the noise sniffer AC plug, about the same amount each time)
That extension does have an additional Furutech duplex on the cord, six feet back of amp Furutech plugs end, and that duplex has two PS Audio Noise Harvesters. The wiring is a quad twist. and each side or pair is connected to one out side. so each Noise Harvester is on one half of the quad.
So I can say the PS Audio Noise Harvesters really DO a fantastic job!!!

The other similar line (from he same 20 amp outlet) does not have any Noise Harvesters on it. And with the stereo running, it has "297" noise level. However IF I do stick one PS Audio Noise harvester in an out 3 feet back ot the one the sniffer is in. The noise drops to "143". (I cannot leave the Noise Harvester or a pair in there due to it being in use, normally, plus adding them in where the noise sniffer is, seems to make the sound go too thin.)

Another major discovery is just HOW NOISY Digital equipment really is!!! I have my two CD changers plugged into a separate power conditioner. A PS Audio P-600.
Testing the PS Audio P-600 I own (tested at 60Hz) With nothing turned on plugged into the P-600 the baseline noise is "040" With one five disc CD changer turned on the noise level jumps up to "740" With the other one only on the nose is also "740" with both on the noise jumps over "MAX" This is with a PS Audio Noise Harvester plugged into the same duplex (on the back of the P-600) as the CD changer!
On the other hand.. The Marantz SA-10 is pugged into the Furman (also with a PS Audio Noise Harvester in same duplex and that area is "032". So SOME equipment is not spewing, and some is.

This is all I have learned in a half hour of fooling around.
The one thing I had not realized is how some audio equipment removes grunge from the line. And others. particularly the CD changers just SPEW tons of junk. I should measure the DVD players... ?? maybe.. And the plasma, just to know, while I have the tester in hand.


This is why multiple filter banks (some Furman units have them) or keeping your digital (especially network) stuff outside your analog power conditioners can help lots.

I like to think of it as a kind of demilitarized zone (DMZ).

The inexpensive Furman with LiFT and SMP like this one:

for my wall warty stuff, and then something else for preamp and amps, like this:

This keeps my wall warts 2 entire filter sections away from my audio reproduction.

Unless you use an active device like a PS Audio regenerator, this type of isolation seems mandatory to me.

If you can't afford 2 units, at least keep your wall warts outside your conditioners.
I was just thinking, this also kind of leads us to simplify.

I mean, between routers, switches, streamers, amps, televisions, preamps, and DACs, managing all this power and noise issues becomes very expensive (as evidenced by Elizabeth's own set up).
The idea of having a 1 or 2 piece system seems to have exponential benefits in terms of cost and simplicity.
@ozzy ,
Thanks for the link. It may be that other, similar devices were just made into "audio" related ones and had the corresponding price mark up.

I think I’ll order a few of the filters and see (hear) what happens.

All the best,
As for sound.... I am now listening to Joni Mitchell "Court and Spark" a 'Target' CD. Her voice is clearer (easier to understand) than when I played it last night (without the two PS Audio Noise Harvesters on the Furman AC line) Also got to song with backing vocals, they a much clearer!  
I also switched back to the DH Labs/Furutech power cord to the Furman. which has more lower midrange and fuzzier vocals, than the Pangea AC14XL power cord., the Pangea is cleaer but a little leaner.  But I wanted to use my DH Labs again. It does take a few hours for the AC cord to really fully settle, even though it only moved inches. Plus not used for a few days.    (I am constantly flipping between them. Both are set at the position they can be plugged in anytime)   
The DH Labs cord is more musical. But as always, I am drawn to clarity. I will see if the added Noise Harvesters change the choice on a permanent basis. The sound is also more forward than before, more detailed in space.    I like it.
I also moved the Rega P5 power box. It has a LOT longer cord than I remember. So I can place the box on the TV stand, and the wart reaches the Monster PC.
Another day. Very glad I borrowed the Noise Sniffer! Mainly adding the two PS Audio Noise Harvesters I had sitting unused on the 34’ line gave me some more detail. Also a little lean. pushed me to finally fix the tweaks to the Magnepan 20.7 midrange resistors.Sadly I did not realize the Duelund CAST resistor leads are very fragile. Bend then at the root more than a few times and they break off, no repair I can see. Lucky I had spares. So I also made the gizmo to hold them keep the leads straight, and no stress on them. I hope that solves them breaking . Sadly I had no idea they are so fragile.
Also the gizmos have coils on the 1/4" dowel to bring the 3/4" apart from speaker back to the 4.5" apart of the resistors. So they have no lateral pull. I used the space from the hole in dowel to the hole to the resistor to wind the 18g wire 27 times to make two chokes on the dowel. This to be like the ones I made for the tweeter. Seems to be helping. The detail now is striking!  So it works whatever it is doing...