Replacement tubes for C-J

Hi All, 
My wife just found my old Conrad Johnson MV-55 power amp buried in a storage closet! Thought I'd give it a go. As expected, fuse blew, bad tubes. I would like to get this running again. Can you recommend a good source for replacement tubes at reasonable prices? 
Thanks so much. 
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Read the manual to get an idea about the amp.
Is the blown fuse at the speaker terminals (with a led lit beside a tube?)
If so, it's likely a power tube issue.
It it is the other panel fuse, the issue may be more serious.

Have you hooked it up to speakers when you powered it up? 

Yes, read the manual. LED lit on one channel. Output tube looked wrong on that side. It was hooked up. I was following all the instructions from the manual. 
Okay. So sounds like you need a new EL34 tube and replacement fuses.
Are you getting sound on the good channel?
My thoughts too. Probably worth changing all the output tubes. Can you recommend a good source for the tubes? Thanks.