Guilty Pleasures

garfish’s recent thread on c/w music brought to mind the “guilty pleasures” admissions recently submitted by TAS writers and reviewers. a “guilty pleasure,” roughly speaking, is a musical selection one adores but plays only in secret, fearing its publication as an audiophile’s favorite might elicit ridicule or, at least, laughter. so, fellow a-goners, are you willing to confess to a couple of your guilty pleasures? I’ll start with two and add others if this thread gets going: (1) “not for kids only,” j. garcia & d. grisman; (2) ‘the little mermaid,” OST.
Stan Freberg's "History of the United States, Part One" which myself and 2 amigos knew all the dialogue AND songs at age 14. Still do and play it (and laugh) all the time.
......what a goof. Thanks for the correction Avguy. I REALLY did know that the Hollies did "Long Cool Woman...". Seems I had it right next to Three Dog Night, who did "Never Been to Spain",-- that song is another guilty pleasure of mine. Thanks. Craig
Cornfed; I too remember the night that those guys died. They were headed for Moorehead, Minn. (just across the river from Fargo, ND)-- I lived about 90 miles north of Fargo. It's fair to say Buddy Holly was a hero of mine. Not only did I like his music, but he wore horn rimmed glasses, which made wearing them acceptable to me and to society. Cheers. Craig.
captain & tenille, come in from the rain and wedding song. beautiful, but people laugh and say you like what!?!?!?!--
What a great thread, we can imberass our selves but we do not know each other(for the most part). That being said I enjoy listening to Thomas Dolby a lot! and even on a bad day I like Bon Jovi but the condition's have to be right for the latter of the two. As for Thomas Dolby most all of his music ANY time is just fantastic.