What are you streaming tonight?

As we are in the modern age of music I thought I would see how this fares.
We have threads specific for cdp and tt so why not streaming as it is a modern media.
I don't care if you stream Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Paradise Radio or any number of internet stations.
I would like you to share your tastes and method of streaming.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
Those are some of my favorite albums.
The Love for Sale concept tracks never get old.
Bob I've wanted to hear all of them for some time I only own the Ben Webster volume and of course that's the only one on Tidal also! I found the complete set looking through most streamed jazz on Quobuz 23 tracks in and 59 to go!
Pinback - Blue Screen Life via Tidal (got my Qobuz invite yesterday. will wait as I should have 300 Mbps fiber in the next week or less)
Next up is new album from my local hometown heroes.

Signs ... Tedeschi Trucks Band.

Local Jacksonville , Florida band.

Very nice blues rock style.

Try them!