New 2018 KEF R series...?

Just saw the what-hifi review of the R3 which seems to be replacing the R300 (Not to be confused with the Ref 3) 

bit confusing name scheme. I suspect a lot of people are going to be confused in the near future.

anyway, what do you guys think? I figure they need a lot of space, I was interested in a Ref 3 for a time (NOT the R3) but I came to the realization I really needed about double the space I currently have. 

alas we are all the victim of our listening areas.
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I auditioned the KEF R3s at my local hi-fi shop the other day and ordered a pair.  

At the shop, I did A/B comparisons of the R3s with the LS50s, which I own and like a lot.  The R3s were better.  Everything sounded bigger, with more separation between instruments--that's something the LS50s did well for small bands but not for big bands or orchestras.  The R3s have better mids, better soundstage and are just sweeter & fuller sounding.  I was smitten!  

Now, if I were smart, before ordering the R3s I would have also (1) auditioned the B&W 705 s2 and (2) compared the R3s with the now much cheaper R300s.  I urge all of you to be smarter than me and compare the R3s to at least one or two strong alternatives before purchasing.  

What can I say?  I'm a sucker for the KEF sound.  My entry into audiophile gear 25 years ago was a pair of KEF K140s, paired with the then low-end Linn Majik integrated amp.  I still have that system and it still sounds great.  Seven years ago, I bought the KEF X300A powered speakers with internal DAC and love them to this day.  And bought the LS50s 3 years ago to replace the K140s.  I have no doubt I will be happy with the R3s.  

They should be ready for pickup in a week, then I'll break them in for a few days.  At that point, I'll be happy to report back in case anyone's considering picking up a pair and looking for more owner feedback. 

Listened to the R11s at two dealers last week and did some extensive quality time with them.  Neither set was fully broken in and bass response was on the light side- which is fine for me.
Sound stage was enormous and the most impressive thing these speakers do- even with solid state amplification. 
You will definitely need top notch amplifiers with them- an entry level 100 WPC amp sounded strained in the midrange.  Speaking of, the midrange was very open and transparent- much better than the current R-series and exactly what I was hoping for.  
The only issue was a greater than usual amount of treble / high frequency energy that at times had a metallic flavor.  Unfortunately I doubt this will minimize as the speakers mature- I have heard this tendency on well worn samples of the previous R-series.  Just a cold, metallic taste in the air.  The LS50s did a great job of minimizing the metallic edge that allowed them to sound hyper detailed and ever so slightly over the edge occasionally.  These R11s dis not do as well and leaned a little too far in the metallic zone for my preferences. 
Other than that, a most impressive speaker in every other aspect, especially transparency and freedom from cabinet coloration.