GaN-based Class D power amps

The use of GaN-based power transistor tech is now emerging for Class D audio power amplifiers. Seems appropriate to devote a forum thread to this topic. At least 3 companies have commercial class D amps in their books:

Merrill Audio, with their model Element 118 ($36k per monoblock, 400 W into 8 ohms, 800W into 4 ohms), Element 116 ($22k per monoblock, 300 W into 8 ohms, 600W into 4 ohms) and Element 114 (coming soon).

Review of Element 118 at this link:

ADG Productions, with their Vivace Class D amp ($15k per monoblock pair, 100W into 4 ohms). (The designer emailed me indicating he has another product in the pipeline.)
Review of the Vivace Class D moniblocks at this link (warning: link might not work (1/11/2019)):

Technics SE-R1 Class D stereo amp ($17k per stereo amp, 150WPC into 8 ohms, 300WPC into 4 ohms)
Preliminary review of the Technics SE-R1 at this link:
Technics also has a lower priced GaN-based class D integrated amp in their catalog:

Anyone listened to or own any of these amps?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcelander
 Hello all, the Mola Mola Kaluga is based on the NC1200 module. Interestingly Hypex has removed the price restrictions from the NC1200 module. Nord Acoustics will be releasing a NC1200 based amplifier for under $3500 !!!! I’m sure others will follow suit. Bruno Putzeys is part of a new company called PURIFI along with a group of true Audio all stars! He has designed a brand new class D module which is being used in the new Lyndorf amplifier.  This looks like a very exciting new company. I can’t wait to see  and hear the products that they release! Class D seems to be advancing quickly now. I would imagine over the next year or two we will be hearing class D amplifiers that will compete with anything on the market. Exciting times for us fans of class D amplifiers!
Jonnie, Add to your list of "Digital Amps" the Exogal combination of Comet and Ion, the 2 forming a direct digital amp, the culmination of Jim Kinne's work continuing on from Wadia roots.

"What’s shocking in 2019 is how few audiophiles are aware of this revolutionary product category. There are reviews in the past 5 years, starting with Jim Merod in PFO (reviewing NAD’s M2 back then)."

Hi Jonnie22

I wouldn't necessarily call the Agon forum posters the most progressive bunch of folks out there. I think the readers are more progressive but many of the posters here are unfortunately the end of a dug in generation that is having a hard time dealing with certain innovative changes taking place in the hobby.

I also wouldn't necessarily call many of the HEA folks practicing audiophiles anymore. They're more folks belonging to a historic chapter of audio equipment collectors. At the same time it's refreshing to see these threads advancing at a rapid pace compared to just a few months ago.

welcome to the forums

Michael Green

Nord Acoustics will be releasing a NC1200 based amplifier for under $3500
Still too expensive.  They need to sell a kit version of this module.  I'd rather put it in my own enclosure and save 1-2 grand.

The new Nord price is pounds, not USD

from what I've studied such amps benefit greatly from module isolation

Meaning, the expensive chassis is much more than a pretty face