Am I deaf?

Hello all,
Just got a Chord Qutest to use as an outboard dac with my Oppo BD 105. Connected the Chord to the Oppo coax out with an Audioquest Carbon coax cable. $2100 for the Qutest including the cable! I'm not hearing it. I think the Oppo dac may sound a bit better than the Chord. Tried all the filters. Am I nuts?
One other small point. The digital out of the Oppo if never used before... May need breaking in, even though the player has been in use for years. Not so the digital out .Give it a few weeks of use. THEN see how they compare.
When I hooked up a used but new to me changer to digital RCA out .it SUCKED. (I have a feeling the over 20 year old player had never been used with digital out, ever) and was not good for at least a week of all day playing. But now it is just fine.
Many/most players have a switch or menu item to turn it off if not in use. Left on, not in use adds a ton of spewed hash...
Maybe I'm not sure what I should be listening for? When I got the Ayre pre I could hear a difference right away. When I got the SMC power amp it was much harder to tell. When I got the Cardas cables I knew I couldn't give them back.