Beware of the cable claiming long burn in period.

Almost all the audio equipment including speaker need burn in time.

But I had bad experience with one digital cable recently.

Some people blew the horn on it and claimed burn in time more than 100 hours.

Out of box it had lot of details but etched.

After 8 weeks (around 200 hours) it got little bit better but its overall performance is not better than other digital cable that I have had.

Now it is too late to return it.

Beware of any cable claiming more than 50 hours of burn in time.

The chance is high that you will waste your time and money.
I once owned a California Audio Labs Delta CD transport, with both their Sigma and Alpha DACs. Given they were to sit side by side(Delta/DAC) I thought a .5M Kimber Orchid would be a good AES/EBU to try. Couldn’t listen to it, regardless of time in service, or which DAC I tried. Then I remembered something about, "reflections" and, ’jitter", resulting from too short a digital cable length. Purchased a 1.5M Orchid and everything was wonderful(but- still got better, with time). Regarding burn-in time for cables: I’ve always held(yeah: my opinion) that part of it was attributable to the fact that cables are capacitors(actually, an LC circuit, to a degree) and their dielectric’s dipoles need time to align themselves, with relation to whatever voltages/signals they’re going to be dealing, before they sound their best. The better the dielectric(ie: Teflon, Polypropylene, etc) the lower the dielectric absorption, but- the longer the process takes. I suppose, moving cables around, might scramble one’s dipoles, as well. Perhaps that’s why some mention having to re-burn-in their cables, after handling.
I agree with Elizabeth.Everything needs some break in time.Since I don't listen all day every day like she does,if something can't sound good and stay that way after 50-100 hours then back it goes.
To respond to prof.. It may be just a discussion, and not a 'tear jerking hold my hand I am suffering a crisis' discussion. Someone may have an opinion on the topic AND not be bothered much by the problem. Just one of the little things they may have noted in passing.
For what reason prof needed to insult the discussion? I do not know.
Post removed 
It is Blackcat Silverstar MK2 digital cable.

Upon reading some thread here, I had high expectation of it.

But it is terribly etched out of box..

Some user of the cable claimed more than 100 hours for full burn in.

I also tend to give at least more than 50 hours of burn in before judging the cables.

After 200 hours, it got better but not better than Silnote Morpheus II 200$ digital cable that I had kept earlier.

Actually 200$ cable sounds more organic.

This cable is not terribly bad after full burn in but has no special magic as claimed by some of its users.

Now I may get the lessen.

If I do not like cables after 50 hours, I will send it back.

Some cables may keep getting better after 100 hours.

But they shall be pretty good by that time, otherwise there is no reason to give it more chance.
