GaN-based Class D power amps

The use of GaN-based power transistor tech is now emerging for Class D audio power amplifiers. Seems appropriate to devote a forum thread to this topic. At least 3 companies have commercial class D amps in their books:

Merrill Audio, with their model Element 118 ($36k per monoblock, 400 W into 8 ohms, 800W into 4 ohms), Element 116 ($22k per monoblock, 300 W into 8 ohms, 600W into 4 ohms) and Element 114 (coming soon).

Review of Element 118 at this link:

ADG Productions, with their Vivace Class D amp ($15k per monoblock pair, 100W into 4 ohms). (The designer emailed me indicating he has another product in the pipeline.)
Review of the Vivace Class D moniblocks at this link (warning: link might not work (1/11/2019)):

Technics SE-R1 Class D stereo amp ($17k per stereo amp, 150WPC into 8 ohms, 300WPC into 4 ohms)
Preliminary review of the Technics SE-R1 at this link:
Technics also has a lower priced GaN-based class D integrated amp in their catalog:

Anyone listened to or own any of these amps?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcelander


My "cause" is great sound for everyone.  I love audio and I love it evolving.  Thank you for continuing to post my site.  Every time you do, I get emails from people who want my amp.  You are my shill!  People interested in $22,000 amps are not interested in $2000 amps.  I don't expect my highly modified dual mono fully tweaked IceEdge amps to compete at that level.,,,,,but who knows?!?

I am really excited about the possibilities of class D....whether using "dead time compensation" with mosfets, getting rid of dead time via patents, or GaN.  I want to know how these new GaN amps perform related to what is out there.  Reviews of old Ncore versus GaN do not let anyone know what is possible. Yes, I want reviews versus class A and class A/B as well.

We had a guy here who says he has 6 class D amps including 2 GaNs and was going to listen on 6 systems and let us know.....then he wimps out and says "people want to argue here, so I am not going to tell you anything". What he did say was: mosfet amps sound great or not so good and that GaN amps sound great or not so good.  Don't you want to know what he hears?  I sure do.  Information that could illuminate the situation.

As far as looking around, here is one that you missed.....class A/B mono blocks for $5000 that trounce the $12,000 Veritas mono blocks.

Thank you for continuing to post my site. Every time you do, I get emails from people who want my amp. You are my shill!

Nah, your your own shill. And everyone knows it, beating your own drum and bagging out GaN technology, if not why are you even on this Gan thread then.
No sorry, what’s he doing here bagging GaN, with his own kit in a box about to be released, same goes for a couple of others. One that your jumping the gun on, saying he’s the new Messiah for curing "dead time without using GaN" and he hasn’t even got his on the market yet. 
They're all panicking and in product protection mode because of this new GaN technology, that they would have to do a major re-design at big cost to be able to re-design to use it.

Cheers George


Yes, I am panicking.....having a panic attack right now....he he.  Lighten up!!!!  There are no GaN amps under $15K right now that anyone wants and it will be some time before there are any at 2K.  Why would I panic?  My amp will sell if it sounds good for the money and not sell well if it does not.  This has nothing to do with GaNs or your opinion and you know it! I don't need my amp to sell to live.  Nor does Ralph need to sell his upcoming class D amps to live. 

In fact, I have been in contact with IcePower and trying to get them to play with GaNs.  I am the one that asked Nuprime on their Audiocircle forum if they were experimenting with GaNs.  I am PRO GaN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

check out my post on the below forum and Nuprime reply.

George, you can be so negative.  This is not a battle of minds or wills.  This is a game.  Enjoy the audio game.  Make helpful comments and supportive comments.  But to take it so seriously......not a healthy thing!