Long-Term Amp Storage Without Use: Bad Idea???

Hi All.  I've got a nice set of Cary EL-34 tube monoblocks which I haven't used for 2 years.  I put them up for sale, but then decided I'd rather hold on to them for a later day.  That later day could be years from now, maybe even a decade.  I don't expect to pull them out and "exercise" them to keep them in shape.  Is this a bad idea?  I've heard capacitors tend to dry out if left unplayed for too long. Thanks in advance to those who have knowledge in this area. 
Not that this is a recommendation but my current Proceed HPA2 (Levinson) amp was stored in a damp (really damp) basement for over 3 years (not my doing). There is a trace of rust on the screws that hold the handles on the back. Everything else looks like new. It has been working normally now for over 6 months. Time will tell if there was any other harm done.
If you want to keep it you have to store it.  
Use good quality storage materials!
" Listen to the dude Eric as he knows everything about everything WOW!!! "

is there anything he doesn't know ?