Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Steve (fleschler) ... 

Try to find the time to come up for a listen. As a result of pasting the circuit breakers with TC, something special is going on. I think you'll like it and gain a little insight into what you have to look forward to in the new house. :-)

Almost another week has gone by since the circuit breaker box was pasted with TC. The SQ continues to improve. Its not quite at the magic four-week point yet, so we are looking forward to that.

 Also, I added another E-Mat to the secondary circuit box in the master bedroom, for a total of three mats there. The noise in the system continues to drop with each mat added to the system. What's astounding is, just when I think there is no more noise to be removed, the noise is lowered even further.

I put four E-cards around the motor of the turntable too. The jury is still out on that one. The noise is lower but it seems to have gained a little muddiness in the bass department as a result. That's nothing new with the PPT products. There are times when they are first applied, at least in my system, where the sound is degraded for one to a few days ... but then it comes back better than ever. This is especially true with the bass.

Hey, you TC pasters, E-carders and E-matters ... do you have this album?

I dug it out last night for a friend during our listening session. I haven't played it in several years. It's really a great 70's classic rock record. If you've heard it, you know how good it is ... but NOW? Fantastic.

Highly recommended.


Is it possible to use so much TC that it takes more time than usual for improvement in sound?  I built four short Maggie crossover jumper cables using stranded  Furutech speaker wire terminated by set screw pressure against wire inside of barrel (gold) of banana connector.  I coated the outside of the stranded braid thickly, thinking it would all spread out as the set screw flattened the wire outward in the barrel.  The jumpers did not sound as good as I had hoped at first--they are improving after a week (25 hrs).  The parts are of good quality---wondering if too much TC is possible, or is it self-limiting over time and just taking more time as it cures.  Tim/Krissy?     
jafreeman  ....

  • "I coated the outside of the stranded braid thickly, thinking it would all spread out as the set screw flattened the wire outward in the barrel."

I think the thick coating may have something to do with the "problem." Only a thin coating is required. TC takes time to cure (dry) for it to be at its best. You've noticed an improvement over the past week, right? I think that's because your thick coating is starting to cure. It should continue to improve over time. That's my take anyway. :-)

I'm approaching four weeks out from pasting the circuit breaker switches and the mains. What I'm hearing now is impossible. Truly impossible. 

I need more things to paste. :-)


@jafreeman Good morning Joe, great job on your jumpers, that's exactly how I would construct them The thick coating in this case
will take a little longer to polymerize, but it will. Not sure if your wire and connectors are new, if they are , particularly Furutech makes for a rough
beginning. Hope that helps.