Hansen King V2 / TAD M1 / YG Studio Reference .

To those who have already heard his three 3 pairs of loudspeakers what would be your best choice and one you'll choose detailing the reason for this choice only for the MUSICALITY and build quality.
Here's loudspeakers: HANSEN King V2 / TAD M1 / YG Reference II Studio and top of the line Reference II.
To live with them in the great large room and the rest of the Audio equipment and more than up to its loudspeakers.

Infinitely thank you to everyone.
I'm with KenntT 100% having heard all 3 several times. At this price point, I would also look at MBL 101. You'll save some money on speakers, but will have to spend on amps as they are pigs.

Good luck!
I am interested to know what you have decided or purchased your new speaker, I can only afford Emperor, I like it a lot, I am just like you do not have chance to go listening to all speaker, I guess only guys who lives in some places are fortunate to hear all they want. Singapore is one place where you can spend many days in one building where almost all high end speakers are available for listening.
Scary price range but I have heard Hansens and loved them. out of my budget though. The TAD's have gotten bad reviews from people whose ears I trust. The YG's seem to be more hi-fi and not as musical.

If you're look here you should probably hear the Tidals. Haven't heard them myself but again, people whose ears I trust say they are worth checking out if you have that kind of cash.
of the three - Hansen....YG is absolutely awful for me. Have you ever heard Vandersteens?
Another vote for TAD Reference 1s here. I listened to them at two RMAF shows and in both cases they were superb in my opinion. Not bright at all, in fact, a bit warm.

This is why it is important to listen to different speakers, as we all don't hear the same things.