Ticking/popping noises from DAC

I recently borrowed a PS Audio Directstream DAC with bridge.   It sounds very good but there’s one issue: I’m hearing ticking/popping sounds over my speakers at random intervals—sometimes within a few seconds of each other, sometimes within a few minutes.  The sounds only last a fraction of a second but are very annoying—almost like the sound of a scratch on a record. I’ve tried the bridge and the usb inputs.  It’s more frequent on the bridge input but still happens on usb.  I’m pretty sure the issue is with the DAC because I never had it before and it doesn’t happen with my Aurilac Vega1 DAC.  Has anyone else experienced this?  Any suggestions?
are you running direct into an amp? PS Audio told me the Direct Stream and Jr. need  a pre-amp. I would contact them right away, they are very responsive.
Good luck,
I was having that issues with my Bryston DAC-3 with the HDMI inputs, but a firmware update solved it
With Bridge II make sure your router has multi-casting turned on. Also check your Ethernet switches.