The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
So, what about my question in regard to analogue?

Now don't be blasphemes...LOL 
Even though I do like both digital and analogue, I can kind of see your point. I am, myself, starting to question the sensibility of replacing expensive cartridges once every year or so (I'm retired and listen to music allot) and don't even want to think about the cost of replacing my TT and tone arm. Also getting a bit lazy and a bit less into getting up to flip LPs over every 15 min. But I do still have allot of LPs I really like, so my analogue will stick around for a while, just now spending more time with the digital......Jim
I won't hold your being an analogue lover against you. ;)

So, you trust what the sellers say about the cartridges, but don't trust me with a free method? Seriously, how is the improvement of a platter , tone arm, mat, phono cable or phono pre, or isolated motor measured aside from subjectively? How is that not parallel to cables? 

Anyone care to explain? I am open to input on this.

Which of our skeptics wish to try Schroeder Method?

Precisely what science is applied in turntable evaluation? What distinguishes it from cable evaluation? What cost structure is defensible for analogue, and why are manufacturer claims accepted uncritically? What is the markup on analogue products relative to cables? Should expensive isolation products be accepted?

I wonder such things as an analogue skeptic. Are there sound (Pun!) Answers?

To me many of the assumptions and methods of analogue, specifically Vinyl, are more tenuous than Schroeder Method.
I'm starting to think all the analogue believers owe Schroeder Method a try. 

Analogue-believing cable skeptics, where are you? 

Don't we see more attempted explanation and measurement for cables than analogue rigs. I've not seen typically any measurements in relation to constituent components of turntables. Perhaps the entirety of home analogue is non-scientific. 

Do we have stringent evidence to the contrary? 

Is this a speck and log situation? Perhaps. What arguments of the objective analysis of analogue home process can be martialed? 

Well, perhaps I have a point worth discussing. I am open to enlightenment. 

I'm unclear about what you mean when citing "explanations for analogue ."  Especially given you've mentioned vinyl.

Are you saying there is no one out there citing measurable, objective basis for why vinyl can sound different from digital sources?