Best Amp to drive my Apogee Stages?

Greetings all.
I am wondering if I might get some good suggestions from anyone who might be firmiliar with the Apogee Stages. I have owned them for quite awhile, but due to blowing up my Krell (300i)intergrated amplifier more than once now (a $400 bill to fix it each time) I beleive that it is time to buy the right amplifier for the job. I need more power for sure, but my wallet is light these days. This means that I must minimize my purchase to something definitly under $2K and even more like $1200 price range. This seems to limit me quite a bit in my findings, but I am wondering if I might have missed something with my research so far? I have reviewed Krell, Levinson, Pass Labs and Threshold to date. Each have older options in my price range, but I am not certain if any will work better with my speakers?

Any thoughts out there?

Thank you in advance.

I am driving my Stages with TRL GT-400 and I love it!!!!!!

I agree with So_good that a *good* 100-150 WPC tube amp can drive the Stage well.

A good tube amp to consider is Audio Valve Challenger. Its sound is lush and seductive.
RRog, I get it - you like Rowland...fair enough. Aragon made good quality affordable gear. I've owned Krell and Levinson and the Aragon is quite good. I believe it also acts close to a voltage source down to 2 ohms. See link devoted to apogee scintilla - note amps recommended.
I used to have Stages I used adcom gfa555 and blew up 3 of em
then tried a Bryston 4b worked but did not sound as good as the adcom tried a carver tfm35 sounded better than the bryston. Settled on a pair of very modded Dynaco Mk III's I used that combo for 10 years or so
Matti, I am not partial to any brand of equipment. I am more interested in what components work well together. Probably the most popular amp used with Apogee speakers was the Counterpoint SA 220.