Dunlavy SC VI's...

I've owned these speakers for almost 2 years now. To say I'm happy with them, would be a major understatement.
I guess going from solid state to tubes, along with the changing out of the Klipschorns for the SC VI's, was alot to process. I still love my K-horns, and won't part with them. They have a unique sound.
The Dunlavys just seem to do "everything".
I'd love to hear the opinions of other Dunlavy owners. Has anyone made any modifications?
If anyone has the original manual for the SC-VI's, I sure would appreciate a copy.
Thanks for looking... Enjoy!!!
Yeah those are some very impressive speakers. Massive would be an understatement. I would also consider a used pair or a set of the 5s, the only thing is what do you do if you have a problem? I thought that the drivers where very carefully matched by Dunlavy and just putting an off the shelf set back in if you were to say blow a tweeter would not be the same thing.
Since the SCIVs do everything why would you consider mods? Look up Dunlavy SCIV on you tube.
I have a manual I can copy for you and I would be happy to share my knowledge of the SCIVs with you.