Dunlavy SC VI's...

I've owned these speakers for almost 2 years now. To say I'm happy with them, would be a major understatement.
I guess going from solid state to tubes, along with the changing out of the Klipschorns for the SC VI's, was alot to process. I still love my K-horns, and won't part with them. They have a unique sound.
The Dunlavys just seem to do "everything".
I'd love to hear the opinions of other Dunlavy owners. Has anyone made any modifications?
If anyone has the original manual for the SC-VI's, I sure would appreciate a copy.
Thanks for looking... Enjoy!!!
There is room for modifications. I would not imagine the drivers need any modification in that John used premium cones throughout that model. The crossover components are indeed suspect. Cheap resistors is where I would start. Capacitors will clear up some background haze and premium inductors would finish the project.

I wrote a review here about my IVa modifications for your reference.

The final places to look at is the interior wiring can be upgraded and improved. I have not done this yet, simply because of money, but no doubt will in the future. Some have sealer the interiors of their Dunlavy speakers and reported gains in sonic quality as well.

Other than these minor modifications, these remain state of the art. If you have any problems with your drivers, they are still available off the shelf. This was John's idea, was to be sure they were serviceable with off the shelf products.

As for matching of drivers, yes John was big on that, and if one was to replace tweeters one might consider this. I replaced my tweeters with a premium pair on my IVa's and did not match them, yet they measured nearly identical anyway. I think this was more marketing hype than an issue, but in your case the subject is mute in that I see no need to replace any of your drivers.

I just wish I could have such large speakers, as they are spectacular...
I owned a pair of scIII's and drove them with cary slam 100 monoblocks;the sound was fantastic.They did everything a audiophile would ever want so I can only think the VI's are even better.
As far as mods I did none;my only problem was a driver went bad and since they were out of business Bill Legall of Millersound resolved the driver issue;I highly recommend him for any issue you may have.He may even do mods on the crossovers if you want to go that route but I can't think of any reasons for modding these great speakers.
Thank you for all the great responses!
It's good to know that there are options and alternatives for speaker drivers, crossovers, etc...
This was a minor concern in the begining, but I have gotten much relief from these and other responses.
You would think I'd have more concerns with having a pair of 1950's Klipschorns! But fortunately with aftermarket replacement parts, there are terrific options!
The Dunlavy's themselves are totally funtional and delivering sound beyond my expectations, so there is no immediate issue. My biggest obsticle is placement. Because of room configuration, I'm sure the sound could be improved.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'm totally open.
There are pictures on Audiogon, but I'm not sure they show the obsticles I face in correct speaker placement. If anyone has suggestions, it would be appreciated!
Thanks again, and happy listening!!!

02-24-10: Jadem6
what is the room size? The equipment wall is how long? and the width?

My room is approx. 17' wide by 26' long. The back half of the room has a pool table and dry bar. And the front half contains my music system and home theater. The pictures posted probably don't convey the overall issue. My left speaker is on a wall with large perminent windows. Just to the right is a protruding fireplace. My right speaker is in the corner with a short wall(about 4'). I wish I could draw a picture with measurements!