Soliciting Member Perspectives: Levinson vs Bryston vs Audio Research

Wanting to start a discussion for which there are obviously ZERO absolute answers.  I want to hear various member perspectives on these three marquis brands of audio equipment: pro's vs con's, likes vs dislike & your emotional/visceral experiences.

Why?  #1, I think it would be fun & edifying.  #2, I am contemplating modifying the direction of my primary 2-channel system in my 'Man Cave' & your thoughts & opinions will be useful.

Please try to avoid pretentiousness, condescension & remember, these are your opinions & not necessarily facts.

Thanks in advance & I hope this proves to be as fun as I think it can be.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xoldmandave

This is supposed to be a fun thought-experiment that engenders friendly conversations about 3 marquis brands. Please cease with the proselytizing & pedantic lecturing.

oldmandave"clearthink... Please cease with the proselytizing & pedantic lecturing."

it is not for you to limit, restrict, or discourage posters and contributors to this forum from sharing, expressing, or explaining they’re thoughts, beliefs, or opinions its interesting that in the land of "Free Speech" and you’re charished, revered, and holy First Amendment that so many seek to silence those with who they disagree or are offended, insulted, or embarassed.
@n80 The HPA2 is no slouch, I wasn't impressed with the AMP line of Proceed amplifiers, but the HPA's were in a different league.

20 year warranty says a lot about Bryston, Levinson isn't really Levinson anymore can't say much about ARC never owned anything from them. Bryston and ARC have stood the test of time rather well with good customer support and product stability.