Step down transformers detrimental to SQ?

Hello, does anyone know if step down (or up) transformers have adverse effects on sound quality? I'm looking to pickup a 100V amp and use a step down here in US. 

not sure about effect on SQ but would assume no problem unless in too close proximity to other transformer.......and would you not need a step UP transformer here with a 100V amplfier?
You won't need a transformer. Not if you're talking about line voltage. Line voltage is nominal, as in uncalibrated, as in it varies. What is called 110 here in the US can turn out to measure lower. (Occasionally even quite a bit lower, in what is called a brown-out.) Which, strangely enough, voltage running a little low like that turns out to be a much bigger problem than voltage that runs high.

This is because, first thing your amp does is run the incoming AC through its power supply. The power supply converts the AC to DC. Everything actually runs on this DC power supply. CD player, turntable, DAC, your laptop for that matter. It all runs on DC. As such it is all pretty darn near immune to AC voltage- unless said voltage drops too low. Damage from high voltage however only happens when voltage spikes crazy high. Think lightning. Some tens of volts though is nothing. I travel, and have plugged in many times to 200-220v, none of my 110v gear was ever harmed in the least.
@bsmg I was under impression that I need a step down because the voltage from my wall is higher than the amp spec. So it takes 120V down to 100V for amp intake? I could be wrong though. I've never used a transformer.

@millercarbon Are you sure I can operate a 100V amp in US? This overseas dealer has specifically told me it would kill the amp if I plugged it into 120V w/o transformer?