Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades

I am considering a pair of one  of these.  Anybody have any suggestions , comments, recommendations?
My ears pick the Blades in a heartbeat. My fav speaker. 

I have heard the 7's MKII a few times at shows and dealers.
I have not heard the Blade but the Vandersteen 7 is one of the best speakers I've ever heard, along with the Vivid Giya and TAD Ref One. At this price point, airline tickets to hear for yourself seem like chump change!
Fantastic event last eve with Richard Vandersteen at Stereo Unlimited in San Diego
7 mk 2 with Richards unique high Pass amplifier running along with Quattro and the more affordable m5 high Pass amp... fun
treo CT with sub 3 w 11 bands of analog EQ
HRS also represented by Michael Latvis, great sound, hospitality and 100+ people there till ten at nite.

the OP hopefully has had a chance to go listen

music is the goal
