Soliciting Member Perspectives: Levinson vs Bryston vs Audio Research

Wanting to start a discussion for which there are obviously ZERO absolute answers.  I want to hear various member perspectives on these three marquis brands of audio equipment: pro's vs con's, likes vs dislike & your emotional/visceral experiences.

Why?  #1, I think it would be fun & edifying.  #2, I am contemplating modifying the direction of my primary 2-channel system in my 'Man Cave' & your thoughts & opinions will be useful.

Please try to avoid pretentiousness, condescension & remember, these are your opinions & not necessarily facts.

Thanks in advance & I hope this proves to be as fun as I think it can be.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xoldmandave
Bryston seems to be a preferred name in the UK. Curious about that one too. They have a tie-in with PMC speakers which I currently have a crush on. AR stock seems to be descending. Dealers here are not pushing it. Levinson-well I have it in the car and enjoy that but their gear is beyond my budget. 
Ericshch; Thanks for the heavy lifting. All those grammatically incorrect posts are unnerving to me also. Their just too many of them. haha


I like your mixed-bag of gear.  At this level, you could not go wrong. It is a matter of taste between the ARC/Bryston/ML. Be certain to listen to these excellent brands prior to any purchase. An in-home audition is preferred. Do not over-look cables and power cords. Keep us posted.

Happy Listening!


Thanks, I am rather fond of my "mixed bag" of equipment too.  Like I mentioned above, have always leaned towards more vintage stuff.  My favs being 70's Yamaha [CA-1010], 70's/80's Carver [C-1/M500t] & 80's Nakamichi [CA-5/PA-5] & have PreAmp/Amp or integrateds from each that I thoroughly enjoy.  
Of late though, I have been bitten by the bug & wanting to move up to ML, ARC &/or Bryston...the more vintage pieces of ML & ARC, of course.  Mostly, I enjoy having fun conversations with other audiophile nerds, like myself, but sadly find that my home geography suffers a severe lack of us.  That has prompted me to engage in A-gon's forums, which I am thoroughly enjoying.

I'm familiar with all three.  I owned ARC, including the Ref. 10 Preamp, and others in our local audio club have owned the other two.  Personally, I'm not impressed with any of the three brands relative to other better brands.