Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE

Any feedback from users of his PROTON/ ELECTRON aligning pad?
POSITIVE  or Negative  gains from your hard earned$$$ spent on it?
If positive explain:
I sent Jack Bybee some of my Brilliant Pebbles to play with via John Curl 13 years ago. Coincidence? You decide.
There is no coincidence, but is Bybee already used crystals before that in any of his product product? Is Acoustic Revive was using crystals 14 years ago? The first time i read about that was Unclestu on another forum and i think he was using some crystals more than 13 years ago but I cannot ascertain dates about that, perhaps you know... That is the question...

One thing is certain I am absolutely convinced now that stones and crystals rightly implemented do miracles in audio... I experimented myself a complete grid of stones and crystals cable connected with batteries and magnets with 20 kind of stones ( it was fun)...I am convinced now that stones passively filters the interacting electro-magnetic fields of all the gear and house appliances...Without introducing any noise of their own then lowering the noise level...I had no rigorous explanation, but it is working so great that any upgrade I ever made is small compared to the results obtained by that many years experiment with my own designed grid ...
I also explained the quantum mechanics of the Intelligent Chip to Jack Bybee over the phone. Brilliant Pebbles was the very first comprehensive suite of crystal based products for audio applications. The were officially introduced in 2003. No one else had a commercial product that addressed a multitude of problems. Acoustic Revive came alongmuch later. Brilliant Pebbles, accept no substitutes! 
I trust you about your precedence in this business for sure...I read your thread and about your products in the beginning of my experiments and about Bybee also.... What do you think about my grid of connected varied stones by cables dynamised by batteries and magnets, this passive grid superposed on the active audio grid ?what do you think about my using of stones all along the house electrical grid?  Have you ever try that?
I’m all for it. Hats off to you!! If I’m not mistaken SteinMusic did something with crystals and electricity but I don’t recall the details. The SteinMusic Harmonizer. There’s someone else who sells a lot of crystal stuff for the electrical grid, can’t think of his name. Most of my crystal products are actually for resonance control.