Bricasti M1 vs DCS Debussy

I am in the market for a new DAC. Could anyone offer up their experiences with these models? I am a fan of DCS but question the Debussy because of its vintage. What I am really asking, is the Debussy outdated for the price?

Also, please feel free to recommend similar competitors. I have also been looking at the Aqua products and am intrigued by their upgradability.

The DCS and the Brisciti have a similar sound which is very clean with low levels of coloration and good detail, both of these dacs are not particularly warm sounding.

The Aqua Hifi Dacs are much more liquid sounding with a much warmer fuller midrange, partcularly the Lavoice and the La Scala which both use tubes. 

In terms of upgradablity the Aqua products are the most up-gradable products on the market. The La Scala can be upgraded from the original to a mk II to a MK II XHD if so desired.

DCS has had a poor track record with real upgrades to a platform, they tend to replace an entire platform with a brand new one years later.

Briscati has had a power supply upgrade board swap, however, the company hasn't offered any upgrades to the main circuit boards, the design is very modular however. The chip is an older Analog Devices converter so in terms of processing the lastest higher resolution formats don't know what the Briscati can handle. 

If you look inside a La Scala you will see 8 individual circuit boards everything is changeable: the power supply, the analog board, the digital input board, the digital processing board, the front panel and there are a few additional boards, are all removable. 

With the Lascala XHD you also have a full FPGA board for software and firmware changes.

The Aqua sound is very warm and full bodied and tend to favor the tube warmth and dynamics over hyper detail. A lovely analog presentation.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Aqua Hifi dealers

To OP:
Audiotroy likes to denigrate the brands he does not carry and promote the brands he carries. Take all he says with a big helping of salt.
DCS implement many changes in software which is normally new board needed....
and of course they have been around for years and have a massive engineering just like KEF, they should be able to out innovate the little no name company....well

here are several other DAC to consider w analog sound and detail..


Yes Grgr4blu used to sell DCS at my Singer days.

Tomic please tell the DCS Verona word Clock owner, or DCS Delius owner of Purcell owner through the magic of a software update their products are now currrent,

Oh yes then there was the DCS Scarlatti, Paganini yes those are upgradable to the latest DCS technology through software? Don’t think so DCS is littered with good products that are fixed in the time of design and manufacturing.

MSB DAC 5 discontinued, new models which replaced that same with the analog dac. yes again through the magic of a software update you have the lastest technology, guess again only with their current line up have they embraced a modular up-gradable design.

Berkly is one of the few mentioned that have an upgrade program.

Metrum don’t think so.

Gentleman please get your facts straight. We are not saying the Aqua Dacs are the best sounding, they are very musical and analog like, if you are a detail freak they might not be your cup of tea, they are however one of the very few companies that have created a truly modular product and have created an upgrade path.

A MK II Lascala for example can be brought completely up to the current standards by swapping board for new parts, please regale us of the power of upgrades through software again from any of the companies you guys have mentioned?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Aqua Hifi dealers