adcom equipment.....

this might have been posted before, but has anyone heard or know anything about the new adcom line.  that, 575se model intrigues me at that price point.

Been listening to the amp for a bit now, and I like what I hear. For my ears the sound is more transparent. I wouldn't put it heads and shoulders above the previous tube amp that I had, but it does more things right than wrong. As for the harsh sound I first heard, I have determined that the speakers are more at fault than the amp. The solution was unusual but it works. I had another driver that was being used for bass, being fed by another amp. I disconnected it, and then wired it in series with the original driver. I am now listening to the set up and so far, I like it. The harshness is practically gone. It will take a bit more experimentation, but I feel that the speaker idea is on the right track.
It's a couple of weeks later, and I've sold a few things and acquired a pair of Totem Hawks, as I've mentioned elsewhere on this forum.  I bring it up here because I've currently got the 6002 driving them, and it seems to be doing fine which somewhat surprises me.

The Hawks are apparently a difficult load, and I had the 555SE running them, but was concerned about the driver movement at higher volumes so swapped in the 6002.  It's a fun little amp, though not quite the equal of the 555 SQ wise.  Love the Hawks, btw, I'm going to sell the Rainmakers.
 I have to agree about this little amp. I too, am surprised at the amount it does right. Yes, of course, I have owned better amps and combinations of gear. The real point here is that I have no reservations in the meantime of getting the new amp project that I am in the middle of, done ASAP so I don't have to listen to the small Adcom anymore. I may even keep it around for a garage system. That's not a slam either. It would be great to have something decent for shop time.