Headphones? I could use your experience/thoughts.

Open to buy as great a set of headphones as I can afford.  Likely under one hundred dollars.  Thanks for your thoughts.
Yeah, I've been using Grado 225 for a few years, mostly with computer. I had 80 before and I heard 60. I am also very familiar with RS -1. Wanted to upgrade to them but spent the audiophile money on something else. But I'll get them.
Jusk make sure you know that Grados have no isolation whatsoever.  You need to listen in a quiet room, just like with your speakers.  I have a pair of G1000i and they're great.  
Another thing about Grados, at least the SR-60 and SR-80, removing the horrid foam ear pads results in much better sound. What is needed is some sort of thin ear-friendly material to replace the foam. I’m still looking. But, oh, the sound! Check it out, Bubba!