Do you have any concern for the environment when keeping your equipment 24/7 ?

Or firing up your big amps.
Please say no or not at all.
No - but I don't keep my stuff on 'round the clock, either.  And it's not due to concern for any adverse "environmental impact" either.

     It's been reported that DJT, who hates music, has a coal-powered class A behemoth amp in the White House he leaves on 24/7 just to prove global warming is a hoax.


Well class D amps are NOT fake news. Al Gore bought 4 when he realized that his "near future" predictions were fake news.
I have been told, here at Audiogon, that it is best to leave gear on. The Proceed HPA2 manual suggests that this be done as well and lists the energy consumed when doing so. Likewise the manual for my Audio Research LS-16 says it is okay and better for consistent SQ but at the expense of decreased tube life.

So for a while I was leaving them both in standby mode.

A while later I noticed that in standby mode they still both generate a fair amount of heat. While that may be fine in the which case it might even be required by the Green New Deal Doctrine and enforced diligently by the Green Police....not to be confused with the Dream Police....there is no way I'm leaving them on in the summer.