Are B&W Nautilus 804's too bright

I have a system with the B&W Nautilus 804's. Some of the components of my system are

McCormack HT5 amp (5 channel)
Anthem D2 processor w/ Arc
B&W Nautilus series 804 fronts, HT2 ctr, SCM surrounds
McCormack UDP1 disk player (the upgraded model)
Dennon 3800BDI blu ray player, HDTV,
Audioquest cabeling, etc.

I know that some people love B&W's but some people feel quite the opposite of that. I also understand these are not the 802 models or the S or D models.

What I want to understand is that quite a few posts say they are really just too bright with lean mids. But do they just need a good system behind them to show their potential? Plus a good sub since it is a big room? If so, what is the best equipment to maximize their abilities? I do appreciate the detail, but want to avoid harshness. I also do not want to advance a problem and simply cover it up.

There is a lot of knowledge and experience on this site, and I would like to learn more.
Lowering the 804's a bit will tame any brightness. They are a fine speaker.
What do you mean lowering the volume? On the speaker height they are monitors on the floor.
As with any good speaker, associated equipment and proper setup are a must.

They can either sound really good or really bad depending on the rest of the system.