Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Husk01, I am getting a very wide sweet spot, but toe in and room treatments can greatly influence this. You may be alluding to my posting on using Murata supertweeters and getting a wider sound stage. I did notice later that the top end using them was harsh and that on removing them, I could get an equally wide sound stage both with further breakin of the speakers and with less toe in.

On your further questions, I learned today that Tidal is going to set up a Tidal US and distribute them here directly. This may influence both questions. Probably, however, the demand for these speakers may still be such that a month or two may pass before you get delivery after buying them.

Thanks for that useful comment. I listen to jazz too. These days not much different to soft pop. If Piano Classic indeed outshines on pop/rock I would certain have them on short list. Could I ask whether you have done any direct comparison between the different Tidal speakers:

Piano Classic
Piano Cera or Diacera
Contriva Diacera SE (this is one I heard)


Thanks again - I see you have Sunray. Did you do much comparison between the different speakers in deciding for Sunary?

Luck Boy,

I would be very interested in your thoughts how Focal Scala compares with Tidal. Would you be doing a comparison? For your info, I was very impressed with Diablo. I instead got Cremona M for fuller sound. But Diablo's high was the best I had heard. When I listened to Scala I was surprised it outperformed Diablo in almost all aspects (if not all), and in total a much better pair of speakers than any other I heard at the time. Unfortunately I did not get Scala as my room art the time was very small.

I will carry amp to dealer to check out Tidal in the next couple of months. Will report back.
husk01...doug white of 'thevoicethatis.com' is where i bought my contriva diacera-ses from..he is a great guy.....they are scheduled for delivery the week of july 12th ..can't wait..
i have not had a chance to hear any of the tidal speakers prior to getting my sunrays. i bought them ""blindly", on faith, if you will.
i later learned that out of the 23-25 sunrays out there , most owners bought them without ever listening to them. no one has ever returned them back........:~))).
i also considerd at the time the lansche 8.1, the jmlab gu em,eggleston savoy,and the rockport arrakis.(not necessarly in this order of priority).
to me, the sunrays offer all of the above's attributes and much more.