Magnepan 1.7

Anyone actually got their hands on these yet? What is is your opinion/experience after hearing these in your home. What about placement issues? I am thinking about buying these. Thanks.
My approach to getting a sub to play well with my 1.6s is to cross over the sub nearly as low as possible.
When I first did the setup, I let it go for a day or so. Then I slowly, over a period of weeks turned the crossover frequency down and adjusted the level slightly.

At first with the crossover set at about 55 to 60hz, the overlap caused bloat. The bass was fat and indistinct. As I turned it down to where it is now, <40, it is much much better. The only time it lights up is when there is content that low. It fills out the lower end of string bass and timpani very well.

My room of 8 sides and very asymmetrical helps loads. The sub is on the longest wall, about 3 feet from the nearest corner. It sits next to the LH panel.
The sub? Don't laugh! It is a HSU set for max extension.

I'd be WAY surprised if this wouldn't work for the 1.7s as well, which in any successful setup now running the 1.6s, should be a drop in replacement.
Johnnyr, since you have experience with various amps driving 3.6´s, do you prefer an ARC amp over Bryston, Pass, etc?
Thanks for all of your responses.

I was also wondering if anyone uses bi-wire speaker cables with their maggies or do you all use full range speaker cables? Thanks again.

Looks like no one has the 1.7s in their home yet for real world evaluation.
Ya really oughta hear em don't ya think? I have had so many instances that someone or a magazine said that this or that was the best thing since sliced bread only to finally hear them and think...huh? ANY speaker has it's own set of
plus's and minus's, only you can decide which ones you prefer. I'm betting that they are pretty darn good and will
reflect both source and amplification to a large degree, maybe more than a $2,000 speaker has any right to. John from AC in NJ is probably your best source of info on these as he is hearing them as God intended...with ARC!