Magnepan 1.7

Anyone actually got their hands on these yet? What is is your opinion/experience after hearing these in your home. What about placement issues? I am thinking about buying these. Thanks.
And while you're at it, don't forget to listen to the POLE PIECE SIDE.

Some preferences there, too.

My 1.6s in my room? Tweeter 'in' and PP to listener. speaker toe? 10''48'''
I have heard the 1,7 with

dCS Puccini + Clock

Jeff Rowland's 312 (1000 watts on 4 ohm) + Corus

I was shocked how good they are: huge resolution / definition, I heard such a definition only on Magico, absolutely natural concert-like staging of the musicians, definitevely enough bass hearing a Mahler Symphony at loud volume.
Amazingly beautifull loudspeakers for Classic and Jazz lovers. However I wouldn't recommend it for hard rock or techno fans, not enough impact ...
I have been away from this thread for a while and was quite happy to see it continues. I have had my 1.7s now for just over 9 months. The Maggies continue to sound better with each passing month. I have been backing down the subwoofer each month in very small increments as the speakers break in and bass improves.

I believe that the speakers continue to break in with changes not only to the bass but to detail. I now listen to music at lower levels than I ever did before with full enjoyment due to the tremendous detail provided by the speakers at low listening levels. It has opened up many more hours of listening time without disturbing wife and remaining son who is off to college this year.

Very jealous of Clavil with the dCS Puccini + Clock and Jeff Rowland amps. Even with my lowly but beautifully made BADA amp and preamp I get absolutely amazing sound and can't imagine how good the speakers would sound with such electronics.

I like the Wyred 4 Sound DAC so much I am considering purchasing their STI-1000 (I do crank it up from time to time). Everything I read about their sound characteristics seems to be a good match for the Maggies. Anyone use Wyred 4 sound integrated amps with the Maggies?
I don't know about the Wyred integrates, but several people use their power amps with the Maggies with good results.

BTW, I've noticed the same improvement in detail during Maggie break-in, it seems par for the course.
I use a PSAudio GCC series integrated. It uses the same ASP ICE modules but apparently different input circuitry. Both amps have a single balanced input....#1, single ended inputs, an additional output (to another amp or sub) and the same frontpanel AND backpanel arrangement. Built on the same line, I suspect.

That being said, the 500x2 of my GCC250 is more than adequate for my 1.6s. If, as you say, you are listening at lower levels, you will simply NOT need the 3db offered by the kilowatt model. Also, the smaller module in my amp has a 60 second max power time limit while the larger module limits itself to 30 seconds.
The difference between the W4S and the PSAudio would appear to be the gain cell offered only in the PS amps.

I suspect that interchanged into the same system, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference.