Interested in Focal Scala Utopias

I'd like to know more about the characteristics of these speakers. Anyone familiar with them? I don't think there are any US dealers.
Hi Elviukai,

Your comments seem to confirm some reviews that the Maestro is a better "sweet spot" higher up the range if one can afford it. The Scala has been well-reviewed too though.

You say the Scala is "intolerant to sibilances". Why is it and not the Maestro? Just curious, as they use pretty much the same drivers and Xovers.

As for me, I could "only" afford the Diablo. They're just amazing. The Maestro must be like them with more bass I suppose!

well Scala and Maestro just looks similar, xover is diferent even xover tolopoly is diferent. frequency response is diferent (sensitivity is also diferent by almost 4-5db wchich both was confirmed sujectively with ears and objectively with measuring equipment)

Diablo litle bit similar( more than scala) to Maestro due same energy in midrange presence and hights speed of course high end and sparkle and speed (which is alo have Scala as well)

if we do not talk about Diablo and Maestro low frequency response, dynamic and copression(its just would unfair to compare theese features ) Diablo sounds quite agressive and hard in midrange with less than perfect setup.its speakers which requires very smooth electronic to sound smooth. its litle passionable monitor. Maestro sounds smooth as chocholate but resoliution is even better . one of my customer have theese and I hear them 2-3times a week at least. you just sit back and let music in. from chamber music to metal. from singel vocal niunases to grand orchestra with blows with realism. and does this efortelesly. Maestro doesnt go as deep as Grande EM in range 15-23hz (grande plays down where is no music basicaly) but Maestro bass is stronger, punchier than grande EM.

hope this helps
It does, thanks! :)
My Diablos sound amazingly smooth with solid state amps so haven't experienced any harshness. They're actually the smoothest souding speakers I've had, probably due to the low distortion of the tweeter.
I wansnt ment to say harsh, I mean realitive to Maestro with the same gear. I replied to your email more extensively. have fun