Thiel 3.7

I auditioned a few speakers in this price range. Thiel 3.7 is my favorite. I have ordered a pari. I am think about the upstream for these speaksers. It seems although 3.7 has 91 db, it is a pig to drive. I have planned to use Bryston BP 26+14 B SST2 to drive it. I will use Ayre CX-7eMP as CD player, and use Cardas cables to make the whole system a little bit warmer and more musical. Can you please comment on this combo, and give me some advice?
BTW, I am wondering if BP 26 has balanced output. Should I use balanced interconnect cable, to make it sounds better?
Thank you in advance!
Thanks for that...I remembered that it was an iconic writer, and certainly Mr. Holt fits into that category.
My vivid memories of those days was the angst that Jim and Kathy they shared with me, the devastation of 'holding' those speakers rather than shipping.
It was a special time though--and it gave me an abiding respect for both of them that bordered on, as you can still see today, 'Hero Worship'...
To do the right thing, when it's the hardest thing, isn't something that many people ever do. It helped to shape my business model then AND now.

Good listening,

Any thoughts on choosing between 3.7s and Focal 1038s? Have heard both but in separate locations and times. Have old T 2.2s for a decade and love them powered by ADCOM 200w/ch.
Steveke, What Adcom do you have?

I have an Adcom 5800 (2-ch) with a pair of Hales and really enjoyed the pair.

However, it just did not have the bottom end. I planned to upgrade my speakers but changed out the Adcom for a McIntosh first. Really glad I replaced the amp first.The Hales are a completely new speaker - although 3.7's are still on the radar.