WLM Diva Monitor -- Personal Experience?

I am considering purchasing the WLM Diva Monitors, but unfortunately there are no distributors in New York City. (i) Has anyone purchased them, and if so, what are your thoughts? (ii) Does anyone in the New York Area own them? I would love to be able to demo them.
I'm upset to hear about the frustration you're experiencing with the Diva's. Probably not much solace at this very moment, but I reconfirm they are great speakers and wil remain long-term residents in my system. I did not have to deal with the problem you describe since I bought mine used. There was just a matter of bringing them back from "the cold" the first few days. Driven with a 300B SET amp I am enjoying these speakers with music from the likes of Marcus Miller, Charlie Haden, Jack Bruce or John Patitucci, not the kind of thing where you want to compromise on the quality of bass. I do use the Diva Control which is probably helpful but not the make-or-break detail. Hope you'll get the problem fixed soon.
Northern3light - Have you tried this method for running them in: wire them out of phase with one another, put them together face to face, cover them with a heavy blanket, and then turn up the volume. I've never needed to try this, but I've read that it works quite well for one in your situation.
Fear not! I've been noticing improvement, which has my face smiling and my panties in a bunch.

Rockadanny -- I will pursue your suggestion. Thank you.
