Thiel 3.7 vs Wilson Sasha

I auditioned Thiel 3.7 and Wilson Sasha recently. The upstream for 3.7 is Bryston BCD-1+BP 26+7B SST2+Cardas Neutral Reference cables, while the upstream for Sasha is Ayre CX-7eMP+K5+V5+Tranparent Reference cables. Both speakers were driven very well. Let me compare them in each category below.
1. Treble: 3.7 is more reavling, 3.7 win.
2. Mid range: 3.7 is more reavling and transparent, while Sahsa is fuller, it all depends on your preference, a tie.
3. Bass: 3.7 is more reavling and transparent, while Sasha has an obvious deeper bass extension, and more weight. Sasha win.
4. Coherency: Both have great coherency. But from my point of view, 3.7 has an edge.
5. Color: 3.7 is very neutral and transparent. Sasha is neutral too, but it is a little bit towards warmth side.
6. Sound stage: both can produce a huge sound stage, a tie.
7. Imaging: 3.7's imaging is pin point sharp. Sasha has great imaging ability too. 3.7 win.
Overall, both are outstanding speakers. Personally, I prefer Thiel 3.7's sound signature. IMO, regarding price, Thiel 3.7 might be one of the best buy in High-End world.

All of our choices are more personal at this stage in the game than anything. I demoed the Sophia 3 and Thiel 3.7 in the same room same system yesterday for about two hours.... I pretty much feel the same way as the original poster but my review would be even less kind to the Wilsons.

Maybe I will start a new thread and go into the detail. I am pretty worn-out from traveling (work related) at the moment though.

Thanks for your post. When you do have some time, I would be interested in hearing the deatails of your demo day. I do agree that there is alot of personal taste at this level of audio reproduction. I wonder how much the difference in opinion on these speakers is due synergery (or lack of) of the upstream components.

I wrote you up a review of my demo but it ended up being three pages long and I could not post it as a new thread....

I e-mail it to you instead. If anyone else wants to read my BS about the Sophia 3 vs 3.7, just send me an e-mail, and I will forward it your way.

I received your review of the demo day. I hope you are able to somehow post it (maybe split it up into a post then reply), because its well written with good insight.

I think it would peak some interesting debate.

Thanks for the kind words about my review. I was not sure how people would react because of the strong stance I took, and rather harsh comments I made, but they were from the heart and how I really felt.

I was not ready for the number of e-mails I received about the quasi review (30+) and it has become rather hard to keep track of what conversation I am having with whom. I did just read through my review for the first time and it had a ton of typos, so maybe I will fix all the spelling/typing errors and post it latter.