Gallo 3.1 sounds slow and veiled...why?

I have just 'upgraded' to Gallo 3.1 from my Paradigm Active 40's and must admit I am less than impressed. I was running the Active 40 from a Benchmark DAC 1 via a Audio Research LS2b and thought the Gallos would be an improvement. I'm running the Gallos from the DAC 1 through a Unison Unico with Underwood LV2 mods. Interconnect is Kimber Silver streak and speaker cables are Kimber 8TC. The gallos sound slow and veiled compared to the Paradigms....quite a difference! What's going on? What's all the hype on these Gallos? Or are the Paradigm Active 40's THAT good?!!
Templetech - Mapman is right. It might be something with amplification since Gallos are described in this review as sharper sounding than Hyperion HPS-938 that I have.

Active 40's are very good speakers. Keith Richards demands to have them as monitors at every session.
i have heard that some people can be dissatisfied with them until they amp the subwoofer seperately, but i don't have any first hand knowledge with that.

i have the reference avs (which i love), however they took a LONG time to break in. the little spheres are filled with some kind of material, if i recall, and it takes quite a while to smooth them out. months, if i remember.
I doubt that it's a power issue. I've been running mine with 12 wpc SET monoblocks for 5 years and they never sounded remotely like that. A friend is using another pair with the same amps. They should sound fast, open, detailed, and very involving. As to the Class D idea, I've tried two Class D amps with the Gallos and they both sucked all the life out of the system, but system synergy can be an elusive goal.

I'd start by replacing the speaker wire (I used to have Kimber 8TC) with something from Morrow Audio, but it sounds like a bigger problem than can be addressed with speaker wire. Do you have them well out into the room? They're superb speakers and worth your experimentation. Dave

PS You're not trying to bi-wire them are you? The lower pair of speaker inputs is NOT for bi-wiring.
Well, I might expect a SET to do some things well in theops area of concern with those speakers, but it would surprise me if a set could drive them to their max.

I do not believe these speakers to be inherently tube friendly though and I also do not believe an 80 watt tube integrated, no matter how nice a piece otherwise, to be capable of driving them to the max.

Class D done right might still not be a match to a tube amp affectionado's preference, but it is a viable option that can sound very good done well and can also be most cost effective. Big high current monster SS amps like Krell or similar others are another option for sure if pure size and power consumption is not a concern.