Subwoofer hitting floor...solution?

My setup is in my basement finished with carpet over cement. My subwoofer at times hits the floor; if I use a flashlight I can see it hit, then it makes a popping sound. It is mostly during movies with DTS HD MSTR and DolbyTrueHD etc. I was thinking about raising it off the floor but cannot find much of anything that would support the sub and keep it from slide around. Maybe putting it on a flat surface like a granite block or maple wood. I found these: but they are a little out of my price range. These supports I don't think would be safe to put the sub on:

Anyone have any ideas on what could work well and are affordable?
I use one of these and it works great and is pretty inexpensive. Depends on how large your sub is.

Auralex has products called SubDude that I've previously used to support subs. What you are describing sounds like excursion issues. What is the sub? Is it down-firing? Some subs will allow for downward or forward orientation. Can you please post your sub model?
10-03-12: Willland It sounds to me like over excursion and the pop may be it hitting the voice coil, and that is not a good thing. If it is a down-firing subwoofer, it should be designed with enough travel space between the woofer and the floor. You may need to back off some on the subwoofer's onboard gain control and adjust volume with your preamp only.


100% agree.
If you're not opposed to a caveman approach, how about 4 hockey pucks under the spikes (assuming it has feet of some sort). Should cost less than $10.
Agree with the comments mentioning excessive excursion- you will toast the voice coil eventually. You don't mention the room size- but perhaps adding a second sub to split the load between the two would be a viable approach.