big screen - two channel system enough for dialog?

If I have a large screen (100"+), will I need a dedicated center channel to hear dialog well??

My priority is music, and movies are mostly drama and comedies where dialog is critical. Surround effects are NOT a priority. Many folks here believe you can get much better value from 2 channel systems, but I am getting older and dialog intelligibility is key.

I am concerned about blu-rays needing to downmix from 5 to 2 channels and with such a big screen and separation of my mains, will two channels just make the dialog more diffuse??
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did you mean Mitch4t's 22 ft wide, 70 ft long and 22 feet high room?

What makes this a standing wave problem, the relative proportions or absolute size??

My room is about 17' x 30' x 10'. It's also irregular (about 15' along the long wall the wall jogs in maybe 4' and widens). Will this be a problem??

I have yet to sheetrock it so I can make tweaks if necessary.

did you mean Mitch4t's 22 ft wide, 70 ft long and 22 feet high room?

What makes this a standing wave problem, the relative proportions or absolute size??

My room is about 17' x 30' x 10'. It's also irregular (about 15' along the long wall the wall jogs out maybe 4' and widens to about 21'). Will this be a problem??

I have yet to sheetrock it so I can make tweaks if necessary.
Rainwright, in theory it may be a standing wave nightmare, but in reality, the room sounds incredible from top to bottom. I have no such problems with my room. I am currently running a 7.1 system.

I am considering adding height and wide channels. Additional rear speakers in the ceiling are also under consideration.