Harbeth P3SER

This is a speaker I have been dying to try, but there is no convenient dealer near me to audition them.

In the meantime, I notice that several pairs have appeared for sale in recent weeks, after it was initially hard to ever see them on the used market.

Has the production machine simply cranked up to full speed, or are these speakers not living up to their original hype?

Is anyone living with this speaker who could comment on the sound?
The speakers are up to the hype.
It is just that in the crazy audio world we live in, many buy the latest and greatest, just to sell soon and move on to the next thing. If you follow the used market closely, you will notice this trend.
in 100% agreement with that...and Cwlondon, if we could all be a little more secure in what our ears tell us, we wouldn't care a farthing anyway.

sound? they are wonderful little speakers with a big sound.
Audiophiles change their minds like a girl changes clothes. (hmm, did that sound a bit Kate Perry-ish?) I wouldn't worry about it.