Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range

Hi all. I´m searching for a nice speaker in the high-end midprice category. On my shortlist are: Verity Audio Leonore, Sonus Faber Stradivari, Consensus Audio Conspiracy, Wilson Audio Sasha and Magico V 3. Has anybody had the chance to compare these speakers ?
If you love guitar, get the zu soul superfly and don't look back. Put the 43k you save into some really good cables.
Tidal Piano Diacera and Tidal Contriva Diacera define quite well the lower and upper end of your price bracket in Germany (at present exchange rates). Since you live in Germany, do yourself the favour of a visit in Hürth or Kronberg (at Transparent Acoustic) or organize an audition in your system straight away.

For information - even if I can feel the next sneer coming my way - the very first Tidal review in a German magazine has just been published on the Piano Diacera in Hifi & Records 1/2011. The remarkable thing about this? Leaf through the magazine: not one cent for advertising had to change hands.
All these responses and no mention of the type of amplifier used, which is something that should be considered carefully with any speaker in this category.

My vote would be for the Classic Audio Loudspeaker model T-1.3. I would get it equipped with the field-coil midrange and tweeter at the very least. These drivers have no breakups in the audio range (true beryllium domes) and have all the speed and transparency of the best electrostatics. They are easy to drive and capable of real-world sound pressures (somewhat room dependent- the speaker is 98 db 1 watt/1 meter) with 20Hz bandwidth.