Jim Salk's Speakers?

I've been a member of this board for as long as I can remember it being around (9 or 10 years) and I've come to value the knowledge and opinions of the posters here more than most of the other audiophile boards. In observing the threads for the past several years there seems to be a is a consistent trend of speakers that get questions or comments.

On a couple of other boards I've read great testimonials of Salk Signature Speakers from owners that have owned many of the brands that get discussed regularly on this board, yet I read nary a word about Salk speakers here. The design construction quality of Salk speakers seems impecable given their price. To me they seem like a great value for the money, but I'd like to get your learned take on these speakers and how they compare within the audiophile market.

FWIW - I have absolutely no affiliation with Salk, just a curious bystander who is considering them for a future purchase.
There are lots of great speaker available in the same price ranges as the Salks.

For example does the new Salk SoundScape 12 outperform the Thiel CS3.7s, Wilson Sophia 3, Quad 2805/2905s,KEF Reference 205/2 or MG 20.1s?
How often a speaker (or any other component) brand is mentioned in a public forum is going to have a relation to how many units have been sold.

Salk is only sold direct; there are no dealers where someone who has never heard the speakers can audition. They also state they do not inventory speakers as a general rule so it could take a month or more for them to ship after you order. That affects impatient and impulsive buyers.

All of these serve to limit a someone like Salk's sales volume relative to many better known companies. Just using strictly hypothetical figures, if one company has sold a few thousand speakers and another company half a million, which is going to be mentioned more often in a discussion forum?

Obviously a lower sales volume does not preclude a high quality product. I've never heard a pair of Salks so can't comment further, but it sounds like you're interested. Did you call Salk and see if they have a current owner in your area who would allow an audition?