Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I don't think he will bring it down to the introductory price again.
He sells returns for that price now.
The Lore is too popular.
Sebrof, I see you like your Lores over your Katz Meow. Is your Katz the same as the $1500 dollar pair that's on the Tekton website now. Also, if you paired the Katz w/ a sub would the Lores still be better? What are the differences in sound quality between the Lores and Katz? (I've already read your impressions of Omens vs. Lores)
Drcruz - The Katz I have are the first version, you can see a picture on my system page. Much different from the ones on the Tekton website.
The Katz are more smooth and do a better job of disappearing, the Lores have more bass. I would guess that many people would prefer the Katz to the Lores. My 2 buddies preffered the Katz to the Omens, for me it was a "depends on my mood and music" thing. We all preferred the Lores over the Katz but not by a whole lot.
I personally wouldn't pair either speaker with a sub, my feeling is that that would defeat the concept of my system - Simplicity. SET + no crossover. Might as well get some crazy multi-way and some big SS amps ;)

Hope this helps, PM me if you have specific questions.
I have lore speakers and I'm using new integrated from Eastern Electric M88 with them.
Great combination.