Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I have read the thread, and I am trying to get a handle on the sound. I like a live sound, but not with a thinness like single driver speakers seem to do. Does the Lore have some weight to the sound in the all important male vocal range? My room will be about 15 x 19...

Singleguy: yes, both the Zu and the Lore excel in the human vocal range. That is where they are at their best at least in my set-up.
Singleguy - I agree with Morganc. In my smaller (12' x 13') room I need to be very careful with placement of both Omen and Lore to avoid too much bass. I think you would be surprised at the 10" driver they both use. Big enough for a big sound, but still provides a lot of what a single driver speaker delivers. I don't find the Lores thin at all (nor the Omens which I no longer own).
Thanks Morganc and Sebrof - that is definitely reassuring. My room size will work too then I assume? To let you know where I am coming from, I have 2 sets of Tannoy HPD-385A drivers in 2 different cabinets (Arden, homebuilt). I'll keep one set and sell the other to fund the Lores...

I have 5 different amplifiers, including pure Class A solid state, 2 tripath-based amps, 300B, and conventional A/B solid state. I know that I will be able to get a good match with at least one of them, as all sound very good with the Tannoys.

Thanks for the input and information!